
How do we do it? The answer is data, data and more data – from observations and interviews to extensive case studies – once we have a deep well of information, we can source practical insights. Then we put our findings into clear information graphics, visualizations and documentation, because we care about transparent and client-centered communication.

We take into account the relationships between people, the environment and technology.

In terms of sustainability, we focus on integrating methods, principles and approaches of both ecological and social sustainability into design and innovation practice. This is how we ensure that the processes we work on are optimized for sustainability – in a holistic manner towards generally more responsible products and services.


In our scientific projects, we associate digitalization with a new work culture and integrate sustainability strategies into research and development processes. We create innovative formats: Audio walks for qualitative data collection and escape games for educational purposes are just two selected examples. The basis for these innovations is our solid research work, for example, in the areas of citizen participation, social sustainability, science communication, and human-machine interaction.

KI-generierte, bunte Landschaft mit Bergen, Wolken, Wäldern und kleinen Häusern in herbstlichen Farbtönen.
Weitblick über eine grüne, hügelige Landschaft. Rechts in der Ferne thront auf einer Bergkuppe ein UFO-artiges Monument im Brutalismus-Stil. Näher im Vordergrund links sind zwei riesige Betonhände sichtbar, die Betonfackeln emporhalten, umgeben von einem Platz mit Stufen.
  • Project

    Escape Game about AI

    How can the unique advantages of experience-oriented and immersive role-playing be used as an educational tool to impart knowledge?

    • Partners: FH Potsdam, Uni Potsdam, and mibb
    • Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Concept, and Education
    • Key Actors: Researcher, Designer*innen, and Visitors
    • Outputs: Escape Room
    • Timespan: November 2020 – August 2021
    Escape Game about AI
  • Project

    Pioneers of new work

    We accompanied the Digitalization Department of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in its vision process. In a series of workshops, visions were jointly developed that were dedicated to both the hybrid working team of the department and the planning of a digital conference.

    • Partners: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
    • Topics: Hybrid work environment, Agile Communication, and Digitization Principles
    • Key Actors: Employees, Other Teams, Decision Makers, and Visitors
    • Outputs: Documentation and Workshopboard
    • Timespan: October 2021 – February 2022
    Pioneers of new work
  • Project

    Dissonant heritages

    How can we support residents, owners and managers to preserve and protect buildings and monuments in Europe that are burdened by history as cultural memory?

    • Partners: Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR)
    • Topics: Education, New Work, and Digitization
    • Key Actors: Researcher and Designer*innen
    • Outputs: Toolbox
    • Timespan: April 2023 – February 2025
    Dissonant heritages

We develop suitable methods tailored to your needs for each project. Here you will find a small selection:



And now?

Feel free to contact us with any questions or specific concerns – we are happy to assist you and create a personalized roadmap for you.

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Miriam Lahusen (she/her)

Miriam is a co-founder and managing director at KITE. In her role as CFO (Chief Financial Officer), she is responsible for the company's finances. Her focus areas include participatory methodology and social sustainability.

She began her career in textile design, later specializing in sustainable design research at the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). She studied at the Berlin Weißensee Academy of Art and completed semesters abroad in Casablanca and Havana. She graduated with a project on sustainable development in cooperation with the Institut Futur of the Free University (FU) Berlin.

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