
Inclusive Health

  • Topics: Medical Technology, Diversity, Feminism, Health, and UX Research
  • Key Actors: Patients, FLINTA*, and Medical Staff
  • Outputs: Idea Cluster and Research Collection

How can inclusive healthcare products and processes be developed that meet the specific needs of FLINTA* people and, in particular, promote the well-being of all patients?

Focus on FLINTA* health

As part of our ongoing research activities, KITE is dedicated to the topic of FLINTA* health, with the aim of developing inclusive products and processes in the healthcare sector. FLINTA* stands for women, lesbian, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people whose specific needs are often overlooked in healthcare. Our research focuses on identifying anomalies and gaps in current care and developing forward-looking solutions to close these gaps.

Through extensive research and analysis, we gather important insights into the particular challenges FLINTA* individuals face in the healthcare system. We are already incorporating these insights into our current med tech projects, with a particular focus on patient wellbeing. Our goal is to ensure that healthcare is accessible and respectful for all people.

Our contribution

We are open to project inquiries and collaborations that deal with the topic of FLINTA* health. KITE brings expertise in human-centered design and experience in the medical field to develop innovative solutions together with partners. Our work includes the development of inclusive design strategies that address both the physical and psychological needs of FLINTA* people.

In our projects, we work closely with stakeholders, healthcare professionals and other affected people. Through interviews, co-creation workshops and usability tests, we gain a deep understanding of the specific needs of these groups and develop customized solutions that are not only effective but also inclusive.

Results and outlook

Our research to date has already given us valuable insights into the needs of FLINTA* people in the healthcare sector. These insights are informing the development of products and processes that improve patient wellbeing and satisfaction. Future projects will continue to benefit from these findings and help to create more inclusive and equitable healthcare.

We want to make FLINTA* health an integral part of our design strategy and look forward to further project requests and partnerships to shape an inclusive future in healthcare together.

KITE Project Team
Iva Karabatic, Miriam Lahusen, Anne Wohlauf, Marie Beuthel, Mira Schmitz, and Magdalena Guranova

And now?

Contact us with any inquiries about the project.

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Marie Beuthel (she/her)

She is a UX Researcher and ensures that people and their contexts are involved in development processes through design research methods. In doing so, she observes and analyzes human-machine interactions and develops concepts based on needs. She coordinates tasks within project work – currently within medical technology projects. Other focal points are in the areas of health, digital education, industrial manufacturing processes, and New Work. She is also responsible for a functioning infrastructure within the KITE team. In parallel, Marie is pursuing a doctorate on the topic of participatory design of authentication technologies and is developing process-accompanying tools for interdisciplinary teams.

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