

A'ca'de'mi'c re'search

Academic research combines systematic knowledge development with knowledge transfer. Universities and research institutions, verifiable knowledge is developed and shared through methods such as peer-reviewed articles, conferences and non-fiction books.

A'ppli'ed de'sign

A collective term that encompasses different design directions such as industrial design, UX design, society-centered design, communication design and others. The focus here is on informed practical relevance.


Refers to working methods that take place independently of each other but pursue a common goal. Working asynchronously enables us to have more flexible working structures and promotes the compatibility of work and family.

Au'dio walk

A sound-based experience for exploring and learning. It enables users to immerse themselves in stories or contexts and break through familiar patterns. Away from the screen, it promotes reflection, resilience and physical health.


Ci'ti'zen par'tici'pa'tion

Citizen participation is a democratic instrument that involves the public in decision-making processes. The idea is to include as many different voices and perspectives as possible.

Com'mu'ni'ca'tions de'sign

Our focus is on accessible, inclusive, visual communication of information and messages. The aim is to create a clear and appealing exchange of information.


Participation formats aim to break down barriers and actively integrate people into decision-making and design processes. They are based on the fundamental principles of democracy and diversity, ensuring that diverse voices are heard and taken into account.


De'sign re'search

In design research, the design process is seen as an exploratory, constantly questioning and evolving process. The research methods range from traditional qualitative and quantitative approaches to creative idea development methods and co-creation. The aim is to not only collect data but also to translate one’s findings into concrete design proposals that improve users’ everyday lives.


The integration of digital technologies into various areas of life is rapidly changing our world. At KITE, we do not follow this path blindly, but always with an eye on the social impact. Our work ranges from the development of advanced technologies and AI to the design of digital and hybrid formats. What sets us apart is that we always strive to make technology accessible to everyone. One example of this is an analog card game that we developed to help people with no prior digital knowledge to find their way in the digital world of video conferencing.


Es'cape Room

An escape room is a physical or virtual adventure game in which players are locked in a confined space and have to “escape” from this space by solving puzzles and tasks before time runs out.


Fu'tu're vi'sion'ing work'sh'op

A participative format for the creative development of ideas and the creation of visions for future scenarios or solutions. In a future workshop, participants work together to identify problems, generate innovative ideas and develop concrete concepts for a desirable future. This format promotes the involvement of different perspectives and stakeholders and enables a collaborative and inclusive shaping of the future.


In'dus'tri'al De'sign

An area of design that focuses on designing industrially manufactured products and services. The aim is to optimize function and benefit. Our range of services focuses on innovation development in highly complex industrial projects, such as medical technology, using qualitative and quantitative research methods.


A critical attitude in which assumptions, opinions and facts are scrutinized systematically. As part of our work, we use interrogation to ensure that our findings and solutions are comprehensive, inclusive and reflective. It allows us to think outside the box, overcome conventions, recognize profound connections and always keep an eye on social added value.



Direct and profound insights into real situations and contexts, away from artificial laboratory situations. In our work, we strive to go “into the field” as often as possible and to authentically explore everyday life through observation. The focus is on observing people in actual action. In conjunction with interviews, this provides a holistic picture of the actors.



Active participation of individuals or groups in decision-making and design processes. While participation is often interpreted as mere involvement or consultation, we emphasize that true participation must take into account the degree of decision-making power. There are different levels of participation, from informal involvement to full control and decision-making power. Our expertise lies in the in-depth examination of the various facets of participation and the critical reflection of its application.


The conscious inclusion and appreciation of different points of view, including those that are outside the mainstream or marginalized. In our work, we are strongly committed to strengthening diversity and promoting alternative narratives.


According to sociologist Theodor Schatzki, for example, practices are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that shape our social patterns. At KITE we use the analysis of practices to decode the everyday world. By understanding everyday practices, we gain deeper insights into real-life situations and can better understand why people do what they do.


Qua'li'ta'ti've me'tho'ds

Research approaches that offer deep insights into human experience. They allow us to understand emotional and social aspects and form the basis for our people- and society-centered actions. The question of how and why is at the forefront here.

Quan'ti'ta'tive research

A research approach based on measurable data. It’s used to identify patterns, test hypotheses and establish statistical correlations. The question here is what and how much


Re'al li'fe

The real, complex and often challenging experiences and circumstances in which people live and act. In modern technology development, there is a danger of viewing people as error-prone or imperfect and taking decisions away from them. We strive to give them agency in their everyday reality.


So'ci'et'y cen'ter'ed de'sign

An approach that goes beyond individual user needs to consider a broader context of community, society and the environment.

Su'stain'abil'ity by de'fault

A concept that aims to integrate sustainability principles, methods and tools into (design) processes from the outset. Based on Florian’s doctoral thesis of the same name, we are striving to anchor this approach methodically. This ensures that every design decision we support is geared towards sustainability.


U'ser Ex'pe'ri'ence De'sign

A design approach that focuses on the user experience with a product or service. The aim is to improve and optimize both usability and all other points of interaction between users and the product.